Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How much time a Day?

How much time each day do I spend on this computer?  Lately I've been on a lot... listing on Etsy, creating this blog, researching, all this in an effort to put myself and my work "out there" for feedback, commiseration, legitamacy and so on... But when am I creating anything new?  A good friend told me I would have to spend at least 15 min. a day on blogging to see any "results" such as commenting and exchanging ideas etc.  I'm not sure if I will always have that 15 min. a day. It is Wednesday a.m. and my weekend (Mon. & Tue.) is over and it is back to my day job.
Does anyone else fly back and forth between many different mediums?  I could never "just" make my jewelry or mosaics or sculptures, I have to be able to switch things up, I also paint and chrochet and sew, too many to list.  Am I the only one?  When an idea comes to me I just have to go with it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What I wanted to do VS What I ended up doing

Well today I had been hoping to work on Sculptural Paper Mache bowls.... I'll just keep hoping. Most of my day has been spent in looking for a different house since the one we are renting has been sold.  The bowls are actually a little further than the pictures show, they have a coat of gesso and are ready to paint.
This is where I start to get hesitant... all the work that has gone in thus far and what if the painting is not perfect enough for my own OCD issues?  I guess I have to learn to just let go...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Turtle Rescue

Okay, so here is my first post and it has nothing to do with art. 
I started the day thinking I would work on some of my projects that are in the works but have ended up doing laundry, yard work and sneaking out to get my hair trimmed.  On my way home I spotted a large injured turtle on the side of the road with everyone speeding by, he was hurt badly, some of his shell broken away... I won't go into detail.  I put him in the back of my vehicle and transported him 30 min. away to meet with a volunteer shuttle which would transport him out to C.R.O.W (Center for the Rehabilitation Of Wildlife) on Sanibel Island, FL.  I will get an update maybe tomorrow on his condition.  My question is how do people hit a living creature and just drive on?
For any Gulf Coast Locals who would like to help out, here is the link to C.R.O.W.   I am hoping to donate to there anual art auction this coming year.

Well maybe some art tomorrow...