Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Owl Necklace

So I have not stopped making stuff to list on Etsy, it's just not a priority right now.  I am having so much fun with the felting and the whole textile art experience.  It kind of feels like getting back to the beginning, the basics.  When I was growing up my mother made everything and I mean everything.  I learned to sew, crochet, quilt, embroider, knit etc. etc.  But I never in a million years saw myself suddenly picking up embroidery after all this time and here I am.  I will soon have pictures of a finished piece to share.

In the mean time I forgot about a necklace I finished and was and am, very excited about.  The cord is woven with yarn and jumbo hemp and the bead is made with paper mache.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I have decided that I am already a Flexitarian, which means I eat mostly a non-meat diet and just occasionally eat meat in small quantities.
It's good for me and good for the environment!
Recently I let some depression creep in over no longer having our own home. As renters it is really impossible to put in any kind of garden. In the past I would have a garden and do a little canning, not a lot but I still miss it and I miss going out and picking some fresh veggies for a salad.
This "Straw Bale Gardening" is so interesting and takes a small space, it is also up off the ground for less bending etc.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Felting and Recycling

So I'm a terrible blogger, I guess that's just the way it has to be.  No time.
I have recently given up the idea of making any kind of living from my artwork so it frees me up to do my art and crazy crafting to give as gifts to family and friends.  Zero pressure, if I get it done I get it done, if not that's okay too.
I love recycling and being environmentally responsible, doing my best to keep my foot print as small as possible.  I have added to that eating more responsibly and staying away from processed prepared foods.  Veggies, legumes and whole grains.  I already see a difference!
Recently I decided I wanted to recycle old wool sweaters into current, useable objects.  I read a little and jumped in, I think that some of the stuff I'm doing was never intended to be done but that's okay.  Like after Felting/Fulling the old sweater in the washer and dryer I continued the process with wool yarn inlays, it's kind of like painting with wool yarn.  This is a very old craft and very addictive.  I have included pictures of my test piece.  

The inlay process sparked all sorts of creative juices and before I knew it I was embroidering and beading etc. etc.  These items will then be used to make slippers, mittens, hats, cowls, purses, ipad pouches and on and on and on.  Or just a beautiful wall hanging.