Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So excited today the start of my weekend!  I also just joined a great online art community called Fiber Arts and Mixed Media, http://www.fibermixedmedia.com/
Just signed up yesterday, beautiful site, great people, great art!
I have several recycled sweater projects that are finished now and ready to post.

This is a hand bag and 3 cuff bracelets.  I just love this process of first Fulling the sweaters, then adding the yarn overlay with the wet felting process.  I complete the design with embroidery and beading.  The embroidery is so relaxing, I like that fact that the wool is so thick that a hoop is not needed, though on the larger piece I did clamp it to a canvas frame for more stability but the bracelets did not require it. 
Check out the beautiful art and artists at Fiber Arts and Mixed Media and have a fabulous creative day!

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